Our Ministries
This is where you’ll find information about all the awesome ministries available at First Baptist Donalsonville. If you see this page and it hasn’t been updated, a gentle reminder to the church staff at First Baptist Donalsonville is in order. Let them know you want to learn more about what is happening at First Baptist Donalsonville and how you can get involved.
OnFire Student Ministries
OnFire Student Ministries is designed for students in 7th through 12th grade. The Growth Process: In student ministry, we want our teenagers to see the big picture. KNOW CHRIST: Truth Leads to Worship Knowing Christ, … more
Children’s Ministry
Our Goal for Children’s Ministry: To train and establish every child in the Word of God. Sharing God with Our Children Our emphasis in Children’s Ministry is to share God and His Love with all our children … more
Merry Makers (Senior Adults)
On Tuesday of each week, the Merry Makers (our Senior Adults) meet for a time of fellowship, singing, and Bible study. Tuesday Schedule: 9:45 am – Merry Makers Choir Rehearsal (in Choir Room, 2nd floor) … more
Women’s Ministry
Women Reaching Women for Christ PURPOSE STATEMENT To LEAD women to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, become filled with God’s Spirit through prayer and remain focused and active to his Word… more